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dban-1.0.1 stable; urgency=low
* Check whether lseek and BLKGETSIZE64 agree about the device size.
* Recompiled the kernel and system library with BLOCK_SIZE 512 and
BLOCK_SIZE_BITS 9 so that the last odd sector is wiped on disks with odd
sector counts. Thanks to Cory Altheide <altheidec@nv.doe.gov> for
reporting the problem and verifying the fix.
-- Darik Horn <dajhorn-dban@vanadac.com> Mon, July 15 2003 19:04:16 -0500
dban-1.0.0 stable; urgency=low
* Replaced wipe with dwipe.
* Changed the rc script to support dwipe.
* New feature: Graphical user interface.
* New feature: Device selection.
* New feature: Partition support.
* New feature: Concurrent device wiping.
* New feature: Random Gutmann pass ordering.
* New feature: Rounds option.
* New feature: Options are exposed in the 'syslinux.cfg' file.
* New method: DoD 5220-22.M standard wipe.
* New method: RCMP TSSIT OPS-II standard wipe.
* New method: PRNG Stream wipe.
* New verification modes: Off, Last Pass, and All Passes.
* Linux 2.4.20 upgrade.
* BusyBox 0.60.5 upgrade.
* uClibc 0.9.19 upgrade.
* SysLinux 2.04 upgrade.
-- Darik Horn <dajhorn-dban@vanadac.com> Mon, May 26 2003 18:24:16 -0500
dban-0.4.0 stable; urgency=low
* New feature: Added a quick disk erase before the secure disk wipe.
* New feature: Added prng seed file loading.
* New feature: Added log file saving.
* Busybox 0.60.4 upgrade.
* Enabled CONFIG_PDC202XX_BURST for Promise IDE controllers.
* Enabled CONFIG_BLK_DEV_FD, the floppy disk driver.
* Enabled CONFIG_MSDOS_FS, the MS-DOS filesystem.
* Enabled CONFIG_CRAMFS, the compressed rom filesystem.
* Enabled CONFIG_TMPFS, the virtual memory filesystem.
* Disabled CONFIG_MINIX_FS, the Minix filesystem.
* Renamed kernel.bgz to kernel.bzi in the boot filesystem image.
* Made sundry changes to the syslinux configuration file.
* Removed the ramdisk_size option from the syslinux configuration file.
* Made small cosmetic changes to the rc script.
* Changed the rc script so that it checks for a floppy drive only once.
* Increased the final warning timeout from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.
* Ran unix2dos against all text files in the distribution package.
* Changed the dd example in the readme file to use a wildcard.
* Unbundled the ISO file from the ZIP file.
* Tweaked the installation instructions.
* Mentioned FreshMeat subscriptions in the readme file.
* Added a Microsoft URL file that points to the project homepage.
* Added the project homepage url to the warning.txt and about.txt files.
* Added grep to test for sanity errors.
* Added the /proc/scsi/scsi sanity check.
* Added the end-of-rc sanity check.
* Added dmesg, tar, gzip, and cp to create log files.
* Added dd to load entropy files from a floppy disk into urandom.
* Added a memory test to better set the wipe chunk size.
* Changed DBAR to DBAN in the install.bat file.
* Changed the short 8.3 tilde name to a wildcard in the install.bat file.
* Made cosmetic changes to the install.bat file.
* Changed the root filesystem from minix to cramfs.
* Added the "you may remove the boot media now" message to syslinux.
* Added the "please wait" message to the kernel loader.
* Enabled large file support in both uClibc and Busybox.
-- Darik Horn <dajhorn-dban@vanadac.com> Tue, Oct 29 2002 20:51:33 -0500
dban-0.3.1 stable; urgency=low
* Changed the splash screen
* Added syslinux F-key information pages.
* Added emphasis to the failure and success messages.
* Added a beep loop to the failure function.
* Moved all version information to a separate file.
* Removed a testing barnacle from the root filesystem.
* Added the wipe readme file.
* Added the notes file.
-- Darik Horn <dajhorn-dban@vanadac.com> Thu, Sep 19 2002 22:12:03 -0500
dban-0.3.0 stable; urgency=low
* linux-2.4.19 update.
* Changed root=/dev/rd/0 to root=/dev/ram0. The new kernel will not boot
with root=/dev/rd/0, but the /dev/ram0 name now seems to be hardcoded.
This violates the DevFS documentation and is probably a kernel bug.
* Used full-length file names in the iso image.
* Included component license files.
-- Darik Horn <dajhorn-dban@vanadac.com> Fri, Sep 13 2002 21:50:36 -0500
dban-0.2.0 stable; urgency=critical
* wipe-2.1.0 upgrade.
* uclibc-0.9.15 upgrade.
* syslinux-1.76 upgrade.
* Removed the I2C kernel option.
* Added a serial console comment to the syslinux configuration file.
* Made cosmetic changes to the syslinux configuration file.
* Changed the build script to use mkdosfs instead of mformat.
* Copied the ide.c kernel options to the ide.txt file in the boot image.
* Made cosmetic changes to the rc script.
* Corrected documentation errors.
-- Darik Horn <dajhorn-dban@vanadac.com> Thu, Sep 12 2002 15:59:20 -0500
dban-0.1.0 stable; urgency=low
* First public release.
-- Darik Horn <dajhorn-dban@vanadac.com> Wed, 15 May 2002 01:39:43 -0500